Sunday, November 28, 2010

Letter For Request Of A Telephone Service


is now established that the domestic dog descended from the wolf. Like wolves were domesticated is unknown. The affinity for Wolf appears to be relatively clear in some breeds, Samoyed, Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Canaan dog and the Akita have a primitive type with a pointed muzzle, pointed erect ears and a square build, and other breeds like the German Ash Shepherd, a certain external similarity shows the Wolf. The assumption that these races would therefore be more closely related to the wolf than others is wrong.

The volume behavior of the wolf and sled dogs is similar to the Wolves, they bark and howl if hardly, not then continuing, instead, they howl and in many variations.

relationship between man and wolf


Many peoples who lived by hunting (Northern Europe, North America), saw a wolf in them equal or superior competitors, whose patience and skill were admired and sought after. The wolf was also seen as a protector or as a supernatural being and worshiped. Krieger identified with the wolf (Therianthropie). First names like Wolf, Adolf, or Wolfgang Wolfhard remember the appreciation of the animal. Different parts of the wolf were also in Germany as a curative. It is appropriate shoes from boy to wolf fur brave men have grown up.

the wolf as an enemy of the people

The wolf and animals suggests He was often seen as the enemy. He earned a reputation as a bloodthirsty tale Isegrim. Since the Middle Ages and early modern man's relationship to the wolf in Europe was increasingly marked by fear and demonization of one side. The proliferation of human settlements and agricultural land, livestock and the open, above all to the 19th Century, widespread forest heath of cattle, sheep, pigs and horses, led to numerous domestic animal losses due to wolves. Even if the losses were indicated in many cases grossly exaggerated safe or were caused by poaching dogs, the losses in this type of farming for the farmers expected economic have been often significant. To the direct competition for food between man and wolf joined in the course of time the condemnation of the wolf as a hunting competitor.

reports and stories about "Wolf plagues" and attacks on people (sometimes fatal) are found up to modern times in numerous written sources. So already in 1197 reported a "Wolf Plage" on the Moselle, which allegedly demanded more human sacrifice. were eradicated in 1849, at a time when wolves in Central Europe was already largely from Kottenheim a "Wolf Plage" is reported as a severe winter lasted until Easter.

This setting led to the wolf in Western and Central Europe was an unprecedented campaign of persecution, which aims eventually, irrespective of any damage, the total extermination of the wolf. The wolf was exterminated in the United Kingdom, among other things (last slaying of 1743), Denmark (1772), Luxembourg (1893) and Germany (1904). In Southern and Eastern Europe, the wolf (and other large predators) with significantly more resistance was encountered. Although there have been pursued in an increased regional damage to domestic animals, wolves, and time-intensive, was there ever the total eradication of the target.

attacks on humans

While the capture of domestic animals by wolves But clearly, the reports lack of attacks on humans usually groundless. Secure evidence of a healthy wolf attacks on humans were not previously provided for Europe.

In North America a number of cases that there will be semi-tame the human contact, directly or indirectly, through constant feeding of human wolves habituated to misunderstandings may occur unintended provocations, etc. some with fatal consequences. In the last 30 years there are 39 cases of known wolves aggressive towards people. In 12 of these cases, a rabies infection was detected or suspected. In six cases, the people accompanied by dogs, probably it was the cause of the dog attack. In 16 cases, people were not bitten by rabies-infected wolves. These cases were almost exclusively provoked by the victim and could have been easily avoided. None of the injuries was life-threatening bite, but in six cases, the bite wounds were serious ("severe").

Economic use

wolves were persecuted for centuries and sometimes systematically exterminated; beside the Wolf also served as a fur supplier. In the 19th Century were killed by wolves, especially Stychnin, impregnated by a dead sheep so and threw this known to the change of the wolves. Wolf pelts were used for clothing and in the living and sleeping quarters, they were all the more valuable the they were white. The wolf skin has been tanned to leather and even gloves, processed drums and drum heads. In most countries, the economic use of the wolf is now banned, although some still firing premiums are paid.

Source: Wikipedia


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